Christmas is a time for family, friends, and good memories. So, of course, Popcorn is a must! In order to make sure that your order arrives just right for your Holiday Celebration, we've put together a list of order-by dates. If you place your order on or before the given dates, we GUARANTEE that it will be delivered to you before Christmas (for Continental US only*). Simply select the shipping speed you'd like, and we'll make a fresh batch to deliver to your door.
For guaranteed delivery before Christmas, we ask that you place your order on or before these dates:
*For Alaska, Hawaii, or International orders, shipping times are longer. Please contact us via email ( or by phone (206-623-8000) with questions regarding shipping.
And for in-store customers, we want to make sure that you get the freshest popcorn possible before Christmas. However, we also want to give our employees time to spend with their families on Christmas Eve and Day. As such, our Christmas Eve hours are as follows:
All stores will be closed on Christmas Day
And don't forget, you can always pre-order your popcorn in-store or online to reduce the stress of your holiday experience.
For online orders, visit our website at or call our customer service line at 206-623-8000.
For in-store orders or questions, call our stores at