Donation Spotlight - FIUTS

Donation Spotlight - FIUTS

At KuKuRuZa Gourmet Popcorn, we try to give back every chance we get to the communities we've become a part of and that have given so much to us. We do so through our community donations program, through which we provide more than $2,500 of support every year to more than 100 organizations.


Today, we'd like to introduce an organization we've had the pleasure to work together with recently – University of Washington FIUTS.


The Foundation for International Understanding Through Students (FIUTS) was founded in 1948 and has been a meeting place for students and others who share a curiosity about other cultures and interest in finding common ground and mutual understanding both on campus and in the Seattle area.

FIUTS 2016 Cultural Fest

They successfully put on their annual Cultural Fest event in February. Students from over 10 countries represented their home culture and shared cultural performances at the University of Washington.

FIUTS 2016 Cultural Fest

2016 FIUTS Cultural Fest

We're very happy to support such a wonderful organization that is encouraging young people to understand, accept, and live together with diversity. We wish them the very best in their continuing efforts to fostering the multicultural understanding in Seattle.

To learn more about FIUTS and what they do, be sure to visit their website.

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